Holmepride and our group, fruit revival, have planted 6 fruit trees in Victoria Park and 4 more trees are to come.
A new bench will be installed by the Horseshoe garden in Victoria Park has now been fabricated and is getting installed on 25th January.
The cost of the bench is £1.8k and Holmepride was able to acquire £800 from Longley Farm Fund through OneCommunity, £800 from Holme Valley Parish Council as and £200 from Holme Valley South Ward Councillors.
This, together with the planting of the fruit trees in January is a perfect start to 2019 and a big improvement to Victoria Park and Holmfirth Town Centre.
PresidentHolmfirthWI on January 21, 2019 at 2:40 pm said:
Destruction of the Community Orchard in Victoria As members of Holmfirth WI committee, in association with Holmepride. we would like the following statement The newly planted Community Orchard in Victoria Park, a joint venture between Holmfirth WI Fruit Revival and Holmepride, has been completely destroyed. Six mixed fruit trees were planted on Sunday 13th and a further five on Saturday 19th of January. Both groups had raised money to fund the project and all the items required were purchased at a generous discount from Brooklands Nursery at Totties. Permission to plant an orchard in the top right hand corner of the park had been given by the Parks Services Manager and by Ward Councillors. This followed ten months of discussion between Holmepride, Kirklees Parks and Greenspaces. The disturbing incident happened overnight on Saturday/Sunday January 19/20. The fruit trees have been cut through just above the ground, probably with a sharp lopper, since there is no trace of sawdust or saw marks. All the severed trunks have been cut at the same angle, with many pushed back into the ground, giving the impression that they are unharmed. This is not a random act but one that appears deliberate and carefully executed by someone who has the right tools to draw on. We are deeply saddened that someone should act in this malicious way and destroy a project set up for the common good to provide free fruit for the community and generations to come. The police have been informed and are taking action.
